The Best US Colleges for Transgender Students in 2023

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the Best US Colleges for Transgender Students. Making an informed decision about your higher education journey is crucial as the college you select will be your home for the next four years and often sets the stage for your post-graduate life.

Best US Colleges for Transgender Students

We’ve curated a list of inclusive and accepting institutions that provide a supportive environment for transgender applicants.

Factors Considered

There are many LGBTQ+ friendly colleges, however, it gets tricky for Trans people. This list is based on various factors such as:

  • University policy
    • Queer policy
    • Trans policy
      • Housing
      • Gender marker/name changes
      • Health plan (if applicable)
  • City policy
    • Access to HRT locations
    • General policies
  • State policy
    • HRT access
    • Abortion access
    • Risk assessment
  • Cost/Quality
    • Fair cost
    • Focus on general education rather than STEM-focused institutions

University of Oregon

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$54k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 105th [Updated USNews Rank: University of Oregon]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Access to non-gendered housing. Available gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Fertility Center of Oregon (<2 miles)
  • City/State Policy
    • Eugene (and Oregon as a whole) is very LGBTQ+ friendly and is a hub for queer people. Fairness ordinance in place.

University of Vermont

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$61k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 121th [Updated USNews Rank: University of Vermont]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Planned Parenthood-Burlington (<1 mile)
  • City/State Policy
    • Burlington (and Vermont as a whole) is welcoming hub for queer people. Fairness ordinance in place.

CU Boulder

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$57k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 99th [Updated USNews Rank: CU Boulder]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: CU Boulder Medical Services (On-campus)
  • City/State Policy
    • Very suitable. Fairness ordinance in place.

University of Minnesota

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$47k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 62th [Updated USNews Rank: University of Minnesota]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center Pharmacy (<5 miles)
  • City/State Policy
    • Both are very suitable. Fairness ordinance in place.

Michigan State University

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$54k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 83rd [Updated USNews Rank: MSU]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: MSU Family Medicine (On-campus)
  • City/State Policy
    • Both are very good. Fairness ordinance in place.

Stony Brook University

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$46k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 77rd [Updated USNews Rank: SBU]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Planned Parenthood – Smithtown (<6 miles)
  • City/State Policy
    • New York is famous for being very trans inclusive and LGBTQ+ friendly. Fairness ordinance in place.

Washington State University

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$43k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 179th [Updated USNews Rank: WSU]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Dawn MD (<1 mile)
  • City/State Policy
    • State policies are excellent. Local policies are okay.

University of Pittsburgh

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$45k/yr
  • USNews Rank: 179th [Updated USNews Rank: UPitt]
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing. Offers gender-affirming housing assignments.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Allegheny Reproductive Health Center (~2 miles)
  • City/State Policy
    • State policies are okay. Local policies are decent.

Central Connecticut State University

  • General Initial Cost (OOS): ~$23k/yr
  • USNews Rank: N/A
  • LGBTQ Policy
    • Housing: Offers non-gendered housing.
    • Name change/Gender marker: Name and gender marker are changeable upon request.
    • Student Health: Covers HRT and Bottom Surgery
  • Nearest HRT clinic: Kathryn W. Tierney APRN (<3 miles)
  • City/State Policy
    • State and local politics are very good.

Concluding Thoughts

We hope this comprehensive guide helps transgender students in their college selection process. It’s important to find an institution that not only provides quality education but also fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment.

By considering factors such as university policies, LGBTQ+ support, healthcare coverage, and accessibility, you can make an informed decision about the best US colleges for transgender students. Remember, your college experience should empower and support your personal growth. Good luck on your educational journey!

Also see: How to Choose the Right College: Factors to Consider

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