How to Choose Your Classes for Next Semester: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you shocked that it’s already time to select your classes for the upcoming semester? With the hustle and bustle of studying for finals, it’s easy to overlook this important task. But fear not! We’re here to guide you through the process of efficiently registering for spring classes without losing your sanity.

1. Pick a Professor, Not Just a Subject

It’s a piece of advice that you’ve probably heard before, and for good reason. Choosing classes based on the professor rather than the subject can greatly enhance your learning experience. Even if a particular subject may seem dull on the surface, a charismatic and engaging professor can make all the difference in sparking your curiosity. So, opt for Professor Inspiring instead of “Sounds Interesting 101” with Professor Incomprehensible or Professor Too-busy-to-teach. While some core requirements and prerequisite classes may limit your choices, aiming for a semester with top-notch instruction should be your ultimate goal.

2. Sniff Out the Best

No, we don’t mean literally sniffing around your potential professors (they probably wouldn’t appreciate it!). But once you’ve narrowed down your options based on professors, it’s time to gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision. Here are a few tips to help you in your quest:

  • Consult your academic advisor to determine which classes would complement your major or broaden your knowledge.
  • Visit to get an overview of the school’s most engaging faculty.
  • Perform a Google search of a potential instructor’s name to find old syllabi, reviews, and research they may have conducted.
  • Approach upperclassmen and ask them about their experiences with specific professors and classes. Instead of asking for the “best” or “worst,” inquire about their “most helpful” professor or “least engaging” class. Don’t forget to ask why they feel that way.

3. Go Big: Take on a Challenging Schedule

When you’re swamped with final exams, the idea of adding more credits to your schedule might not sound appealing. However, taking on a challenging, high-credit load can actually save you time in the long run. It’s not uncommon for students to realize after four years that they’ve fallen short of the required 120 credits for graduation because they played it safe with lighter course loads.

Additionally, by completing more classes early on, you’ll have greater flexibility in choosing competitive classes later in your college journey. Aim to enroll in the maximum number of credits you can handle, while still maintaining a healthy balance. For example, I have personally found success with 15 credits per semester. Remember, if you find yourself overwhelmed, most schools allow for guilt-free class drops within the first two weeks.

4. Quick-Draw Clicking: Strategize for Course Registration

You’ve done your research, and now it’s time to register for classes. But to give yourself an edge, it’s important to approach this process strategically. Seek advice from upperclassmen on which classes tend to fill up quickly, and plan accordingly. Here are a few tips:

  • Prioritize your clicks by adding the high-demand classes first.
  • Identify suitable backup options in case your preferred classes are already full.
  • Keep your email open and readily available, as some professors may allow for waitlist requests in case of a full class.


By following these steps, you’ll be well-equipped to choose the best classes for next semester and maximize your learning potential. So, take a deep breath, relax, and tackle this task with confidence!

Remember, the choices you make now can greatly impact

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