What Classes Are Required in College? Everything You Need to Know

Embarking on your college degree journey is an exciting time filled with endless possibilities. One important aspect of this journey is choosing your major, as it will shape your academic path and future career prospects.

In this article, we will explore the significance of class requirements and how to navigate your way through college curriculum to ensure a smooth graduation experience.

Understanding Class Requirements

When selecting a major, it is crucial to consult with an academic advisor to gain a comprehensive understanding of the class requirements for graduation.

Each area of study has its unique set of requirements, making it essential to familiarize yourself with them. By doing so, you can avoid taking unnecessary classes that may not count towards your degree.

General Education Classes

Almost all college students are required to complete General Education Classes. These classes are designed to provide a well-rounded education and typically encompass a range of subjects such as:

  • Arts and Humanities
  • English and Literature
  • Foreign Language
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Sciences

Depending on your chosen major, some of these general education courses may simultaneously fulfill both the General Education and major-specific credit requirements. To better understand how this applies to your situation, it is advisable to collaborate with your academic advisor, who can provide personalized guidance.

Pre-Requisites and Electives

Apart from general education requirements, you will also encounter pre-requisite and elective courses within your major. Pre-requisite courses are fundamental classes that must be completed before progressing to advanced courses in your chosen field. These courses account for approximately 60 credit hours of your college journey, following the completion of general education requirements.

For instance, if you are pursuing a business degree, you may be required to take courses such as BUS100, BUS200, BUS300, and BUS400 to fulfill the program’s specific curriculum. In this case, the letters represent the area of study, while the numbers indicate the level and sequence you must complete before advancing to the next class. Furthermore, your major might also include additional pre-requisite and elective courses, such as taking a biology class before enrolling in anatomy.

To ensure you stay on track with your major’s curriculum, it is essential to have a well-defined academic plan and class schedule. If you find yourself lacking this information, reach out to your academic advisor, who will be more than willing to assist you in understanding and meeting all your pre-requisite needs.


Choosing a college major is a significant decision, and understanding the class requirements and curriculum associated with your chosen field is essential for your academic success. By taking the time to consult with your academic advisor, familiarize yourself with general education classes, and map out your pre-requisite courses, you can navigate your college journey smoothly.

Remember, your academic advisor is there to support you and provide the guidance you need to make the most of your college experience. Embrace this opportunity to shape your future and make informed decisions that align with your goals.

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