How Many Credits Do You Need to Complete an Associate’s Degree?

Are you considering earning an Associate’s Degree? If so, it’s important to understand the requirements and expectations to successfully obtain this degree.

In this article, we’ll explore the number of credits needed, the duration of the program, and the value of an Associate’s Degree. Whether you’re a student looking to enroll or someone who has already completed some credits, this article will provide valuable insights.

Understanding the Credit Requirements

Most schools generally agree that Associate’s Degrees require a completion of 60 credits. They can be awarded by community colleges, junior colleges, technical colleges, and bachelor’s degree-granting colleges and universities.

To complete the program, you will need to satisfy the school’s requirements in areas of study, including courses in English composition, Algebra, social interaction, humanities, and other courses outlined by the school.

How Many Credits Are Required?

The number of credits required for your associate’s degree is dependent on your school’s graduation requirements. 

In general, you’ll take about 15-credits per semester as a full-time student. That amounts to 60 credits to graduate. 

However, you should speak with your advisor to make sure you’re taking the right general education courses and credits to meet your graduation requirements.

How long does it take to earn an Associate’s Degree?

Many of the classes needed to complete an Associate’s Degree are three credits unless they have a lab component. This means that you can graduate after the successful completion of 20 classes.

Students that enroll in 15-credits per semester can complete their program in about two years. If you can complete more credits per semester or enroll in summer courses, you might be able to reduce that time and speed up your graduation.

Is an Associate’s Degree worth it?

Yes, even if it’s just a step towards getting a higher degree, there’s still a lot you can do with an Associate’s degree. If you’ve completed any amount of credits at a school, reach out and see where you stand on getting your Associate’s. You could have a degree and not even know it! 

For additional details on your specific requirements to graduate, you should contact your school’s academic advisor and make sure you complete everything as required by the institution. This will help prevent any errors or delays in graduating on time.


In conclusion, earning an Associate’s Degree requires the completion of 60 credits, with each school having its own specific requirements. By carefully selecting your courses and credits, you can successfully complete the program in about two years as a full-time student.

Remember, an Associate’s Degree holds significant value, paving the way for further educational pursuits and career opportunities. Reach out to your academic advisor to clarify any doubts you may have and stay on track towards a successful graduation.

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