What is the Job Description of a Medical Biller?

Are you considering a career as a medical biller but unsure about the nature of their work?

In this article, we will provide you with an in-depth exploration of the job description of a medical biller, including the necessary qualifications, daily tasks, and potential salary expectations. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of whether this career path is the right fit for you.

What Does a Medical Biller Do?

Medical billers, also known as Health Information Technicians, play a critical role in ensuring the accurate coding and submission of medical billing information. They work closely with a patient’s medical history to ensure that all data is properly coded. This involves assigning appropriate diagnoses and procedure codes, which are integral to the correct and efficient submission of medical billing information.

In addition to coding responsibilities, medical billers often serve as valuable liaisons between the healthcare providers, insurance companies, and the doctor’s office. They facilitate effective communication and streamline the claim processing workflow, ensuring that all parties involved have the necessary information for billing and insurance purposes.

How to Become a Medical Biller?

If you are interested in pursuing a career as a medical biller, certain qualifications and steps can help you enter this rewarding field. Many employers require a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in Health Information Technology, which provides a strong foundation in medical knowledge and health record management. Additionally, completion of basic medical courses upon graduation further supports your understanding of the healthcare industry.

While not always mandatory, obtaining professional certifications such as the Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) and Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR) can significantly enhance your employment prospects. These certifications demonstrate your expertise in medical billing and health information management, setting you apart from other candidates in a competitive job market.

Gaining work-related experience is another valuable aspect of becoming a medical biller. Seek out internships or entry-level positions in medical billing offices to gain practical skills and firsthand knowledge of the industry. This experience not only strengthens your resume but also gives you a better understanding of the day-to-day responsibilities and challenges that medical billers face.

Salary Expectations

While salary expectations can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and education, a medical billing technician can expect a national average salary of $39,180 per year.

However, it’s important to note that additional training and certifications can significantly increase your earning potential. By acquiring advanced skills and qualifications, medical billers can unlock opportunities for career advancement and higher salaries.


Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the job description of a medical biller, as well as the qualifications and potential salary expectations, you are better equipped to make an informed decision about pursuing this career path. Remember that your personal interests, educational background, and long-term goals are essential factors to consider when evaluating opportunities in the healthcare industry.

Whether you choose to become a medical biller or explore other college majors and career paths, always strive for excellence and follow your passion. With the right skills and knowledge, you will be on the path to success in the exciting field of medical billing.

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