9 Companies with Student Loan Repayment Benefits

Are you worried about paying off your student loans? Well, here’s some good news for you. Many companies are now offering student loan repayment benefits as a way to attract talented individuals. These benefits are becoming increasingly common in the workforce, as employers recognize the burden of substantial debt on their employees.

In this article, we will explore nine companies that offer student loan repayment benefits, providing you with valuable information to consider when job hunting.

1. Aetna

Aetna, the insurance company, is dedicated to helping their employees pay off their student loans.

They offer a generous matching program for full-time employees, contributing up to $2,000 per year with a lifetime maximum of $10,000. Even part-time employees can benefit, as Aetna matches up to $1,000 per year with a lifetime maximum of $5,000.

2. Disney

It comes as no surprise that Disney, known for its employee perks, offers an excellent student loan repayment benefit through its Aspire program.

Full-time and part-time employees in the United States are eligible for full tuition payment at any in-network school. This benefit can be particularly advantageous if you plan to work and study simultaneously.

3. U.S. Government

Working for the U.S. Government comes with various enticing benefits, and student loan repayment is one of the best.

Depending on your job and location, you could receive up to $10,000 per year in loan repayments, with a lifetime maximum of $60,000. For some lucky individuals, this may cover their entire debt.

4. CommonBond

CommonBond, known for helping customers with student loans, also extends its support to its employees.

Their student loan benefit provides up to $100 per month ($1,200 per year) without any lifetime maximum. This ongoing assistance can significantly alleviate the burden of student loan debt.

5. Hulu

Hulu, the popular streaming platform, not only keeps us entertained but also supports its employees by offering up to $1,200 per year in student loan repayments through their matching program.

This benefit can help you make progress in alleviating your debt while continuing to enjoy your favorite shows.

6. First Republic Bank

If you’re interested in a career in banking, consider First Republic Bank, which offers a student loan repayment program.

They provide up to $200 per month in student loan assistance until your debts are fully repaid. The specific amount you receive depends on your tenure at the company.

7. Fidelity Investments

Once you have been with Fidelity Investments for over six months, you become eligible for their student loan repayment assistance program.

Employees can receive up to $2,000 per year, with a lifetime maximum of $10,000, providing a significant financial boost to help reduce your student loan burden.

8. Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder, the well-known beauty company, demonstrates its commitment to employee well-being by offering student loan repayments of up to $100 per month, with a lifetime maximum of $10,000. This benefit can make a meaningful difference in your journey toward becoming debt-free.

9. Chegg

Chegg, a company that has been helping students save money on textbooks for years, also supports its employees through student loan repayment assistance.

The specific amount provided varies depending on your position within the company, with potential opportunities of up to $5,000. While the lifetime maximum is unclear, this benefit can be a significant aid in tackling your student loan obligations.


While it is essential not to base your employment decision solely on this benefit, it is comforting to know that there are companies looking out for their employees’ financial well-being, especially in terms of student loan debt. When searching for a job, consider companies that offer student loan repayment benefits alongside other essential perks.

Even if you can’t find the perfect fit, knowing that such opportunities exist can be an encouraging starting point in your search. Remember to review the specific terms and conditions of each company’s repayment programs to ensure they align with your financial goals. With the right employer, you can make a real impact on reducing your student loan burden.

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