The Best Verbs to Use for Resumes and Leadership Essays

When it comes to creating impressive resumes and impactful leadership essays, the words you choose can make all the difference. Using strong and persuasive verbs not only showcases your skills and accomplishments but also highlights your potential as a candidate.

In this article, we will explore the best verbs to use in different sections of your resume and how they can enhance your leadership essays. Whether you are preparing for college applications or seeking professional growth, these powerful verbs will help you stand out from the crowd.

Enhance your resume and leadership essays with these powerful verbs. Showcase your leadership skills, communication abilities, and organizational talents.


  • Achieved
  • Completed
  • Succeeded


  • Arranged
  • Chaired
  • Coordinated
  • Developed
  • Directed
  • Delegated
  • Decided
  • Enhanced
  • Established
  • Founded 
  • Handled
  • Headed
  • Hosted
  • Improved
  • Increased
  • Initiated
  • Led
  • Managed
  • Motivated
  • Organized
  • Oversaw
  • Prioritized
  • Recommended
  • Restored
  • Reviewed
  • Scheduled
  • Selected
  • Streamlined
  • Strengthen
  • Strategized


  • Advertised
  • Authored
  • Clarified
  • Collaborated
  • Communicated
  • Consulted
  • Contacted
  • Conveyed
  • Convinced
  • Debated
  • Described
  • Discussed
  • Edited
  • Explained
  • Expressed
  • Incorporated
  • Influenced
  • Interpreted
  • Marketed
  • Listened
  • Observed
  • Persuaded
  • Presented
  • Promoted
  • Proposed
  • Publicized
  • Reported
  • Resolved
  • Suggested
  • Wrote


  • Analyzed
  • Collected
  • Compared
  • Conducted
  • Critiqued
  • Detected
  • Determined
  • Diagnosed
  • Evaluated
  • Experimented
  • Explored
  • Gathered
  • Formulated
  • Interpreted
  • Interviewed
  • Invented
  • Investigated
  • Located
  • Measured
  • Researched
  • Reviewed
  • Searched
  • Solved
  • Summarized
  • Tested


  • Adapted
  • Applied
  • Assembled
  • Built
  • Calculated
  • Computed
  • Constructed
  • Designed
  • Determined
  • Developed
  • Engineered
  • Installed
  • Invented
  • Created
  • Operated
  • Programmed
  • Solved
  • Upgraded


  • Advised
  • Clarified
  • Coached
  • Evaluated
  • Encouraged
  • Explained
  • Focused
  • Guided
  • Individualized
  • Informed
  • Instilled
  • Instructed
  • Motivated
  • Persuaded
  • Taught
  • Trained
  • Tutored


  • Acted
  • Composed
  • Conceptualized
  • Created
  • Customized
  • Designed
  • Developed
  • Directed
  • Displayed
  • Entertained
  • Fashioned
  • Transformed
  • Initiated
  • Integrated
  • Introduced
  • Invented
  • Modeled
  • Performed
  • Photographed
  • Shaped 


  • Advocated
  • Aided
  • Answered
  • Assisted
  • Cared for 
  • Counseled
  • Encouraged
  • Guided
  • Helped
  • Intervened
  • Motivated
  • Supported


  • Arranged
  • Catalogued
  • Categorized
  • Charted
  • Classified
  • Collected
  • Compiled
  • Distributed
  • Filed
  • Generated
  • Organized
  • Planned
  • Prepared
  • Scheduled
  • Set up
  • Standardized
  • Updated

Now that you have an extensive list of impactful verbs at your disposal, it’s time to incorporate them into your resumes and leadership essays. Remember, the key is to choose verbs that accurately represent your experiences and demonstrate your potential.

By implementing these powerful words, you can make your application shine and capture the attention of admissions officers.

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