How to Find an Accounting Internship for College Students

Accounting is a popular career choice for college graduates, offering great prospects and opportunities for growth. But how do you stand out from the competition and get your foot in the door? The answer lies in securing an accounting internship. Landing an accounting internship can give you a competitive edge and valuable experience in the field.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to find an accounting internship, including tips on creating a standout LinkedIn profile, leveraging connections, and utilizing college resources.

What is an Accounting Internship?

An accounting internship serves as a stepping stone to entry-level accounting roles. Although you may not immediately be tasked with managing financial records, an internship provides essential hands-on experience in preparing and editing reports, filing documents, and supporting accountants or assistant accountants in their day-to-day tasks.

Each company and industry may have specific responsibilities tailored to their needs, but ultimately, an accounting internship equips you with a practical understanding of what accountants do.

How to Find an Accounting Internship

Finding an accounting internship can be an overwhelming task, but there are several strategies you can employ to make the process more manageable and increase your chances of success.

1. Utilize Online Tools

Leveraging online platforms dedicated to connecting job seekers with potential employers can streamline your search. Websites such as LinkedIn, Handshake, and GlassDoor allow you to search for internships based on industry, location, and even pay.

Setting up a strong LinkedIn profile and expanding your network by connecting with professors, professionals, and acquaintances can increase your chances of finding internships through personal connections.

2. Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile

Since you are targeting an accounting internship, it is crucial to optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract potential employers. Highlight any relevant experience or education, such as accounting coursework, math projects, or budget management roles.

Additionally, ask previous professors, supervisors, or mentors to write positive recommendations to strengthen your profile and demonstrate your credibility.

3. Tap into College Resources

Make the most of the resources available at your college, such as career counselors and professors. Reach out to your professors, as they often have valuable connections and may be aware of internship opportunities in the accounting industry.

College career counselors collaborate with companies nationwide to provide students access to internships. They can guide you in finding internship opportunities aligned with your interests and connect you with relevant companies in your area.

When to Start Your Accounting Internship Search

Companies have different deadlines for internships, but it’s always a good idea to apply sooner rather than later. Internships are highly competitive, especially in the accounting field, and the sooner you get your foot in the door, the more successful you’ll be. 

Generally, it’s best to start applying for internships three to six months in advance. That way, you’ll come prepared with your school schedule, and they can work around your education.

If you prepare in advance for the intern search, you’re much more likely to be successful at finding one that suits your interests.


Acquiring an accounting internship can significantly boost your chances of landing a successful career in the field. By utilizing online tools, enhancing your LinkedIn profile, tapping into college resources, and applying early, you can position yourself as a strong candidate for internship opportunities.

Remember to showcase your relevant skills and experiences, leverage your connections, and approach the search process proactively. With these strategies in place, you are well on your way to finding the ideal accounting internship that aligns with your interests and goals.

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