8 Great Ways to Support Your Child During College Admission Season

The college admissions process can be an overwhelming and stressful time for both parents and students. It’s important to find ways to support your child without becoming a “helicopter” parent.

In this article, we will provide you with eight great ways to positively support your child during this crucial time, while keeping your own anxiety in check. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of college admission season.

1. Relinquish Control. Trust

Your child is embarking on a journey to college, but it’s essential to remember that this is their journey, not yours. Instead of trying to control every aspect of the application process, encourage your child to take the lead.

By allowing them to navigate this experience themselves, they will have the opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Your role as a parent should be to provide support and guidance, without overshadowing their individuality.

2. Understand Your Child’s Reservations

It’s common for motivated and high-achieving students to resist discussions about college. Fear of the unknown and the pressure to measure up can be overwhelming. Additionally, leaving friends and family behind and venturing into a new environment can create uncertainty.

To address your child’s resistance, engage in an open and honest conversation. Ask them about their fears and concerns, and encourage them to articulate what they want out of the college experience.

3. Stay Positive and Informed

Your child can pick up on your anxiety, which can compound their own stress levels. Instead of adding to the tension, make an effort to stay positive throughout the admissions process.

Educate yourself about the college admissions process by reading informative books and visiting reputable college websites. Share this knowledge with your child, ensuring they feel supported and empowered.

4. Empower Your Student

Finding the right resources for your child is crucial to their success. Encourage them to utilize their high school college counseling center and forge a strong relationship with their counselor. Counselors can provide guidance on course selection, inform them about college events, and even write recommendation letters.

For personalized attention, consider enlisting the help of a private college counselor. These professionals have the expertise and time to help your child navigate the college application process and find the best fit for their aspirations.

5. Find Your Supportive Role

Collaborate with your child to determine how you can best support them without overstepping boundaries. One way to be helpful is by organizing and keeping track of important deadlines and documents.

Set up a dedicated email address and folders for each college they plan to apply to. Encourage note-taking during college visits to help your child recall their impressions later on.

6. Explore Colleges Together

Accompany your child on college visits, either locally or in different cities. Exposing them to different campus environments and educational settings can help them narrow down their preferences.

When planning these visits, allow your child to take the lead by making appointments for info sessions, campus tours, and interviews. Remember to let your child experience the process independently and refrain from imposing your own opinions.

7. Get Your Finances in Order

As a parent, taking the lead in matters of finances can alleviate some stress for your child. Educate yourself on tuition costs, financial aid options, and scholarship opportunities. Don’t assume that certain colleges are unaffordable without first understanding their financial aid policies.

Consider meeting with a financial aid consultant or planner to explore various options well in advance of application deadlines. Openly discuss your family’s financial situation with your child to ensure they consider colleges that are not only academically and socially fitting but also financially viable.

The Ultimate Guide to Financial Aid and FAFSA

8. Pick Your Moments

While it’s natural to have questions and concerns, avoid bombarding your child with college-related queries at every opportunity. Instead, schedule regular meetings, led by your child, specifically designated for discussing college-related matters.

Both you and your child can compile lists of topics to review during these sessions, ensuring that they are productive and stress-free.


The college admissions process can be a daunting maze to navigate, but with the right approach, it can also be a time of personal growth and self-discovery for your child. By relinquishing control, staying positive, empowering your student, and providing support, you can create an environment where they can thrive.

Remember, they have the potential to surprise you with their independence, resilience, and insight. Trust in their abilities and be there to guide them along the way.

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